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  • JiangSu HuaYi Group
    Dyeing and Finishing

      Dyeing and Finishing is different from traditional tie-dyeing, wax dyeing, blue printing and industrial printing and dyeing.

      Jiangsu Huayi advocates integration idea of dyeing and finishing technologies, and it is the pioneer of dyeing and finishing industrial segmentation market. It has established favorable cooperation relationships with brands such as EXCEPTION de MIXMIND, JNBY, Broadcast, EACHWAY, Neoen, and colleges such as Donghua University, Jiangnan University, Jinling Institute of Technology, Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology, Nantong University, Jiangsu College of Engineering and Technology, etc.

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    Website link:professional website | 1984 Library Mailbox | 【Admin】
    午夜性999性久久久久,伊人婷婷色香五月综合缴缴情,中文字幕亚洲专区第19页,亚洲欧美久久夜夜高潮 国产视频黄色观看 精品国精品国产自在久国产不卡
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