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  • JiangSu HuaYi Group
    About Us

      Jiangsu Huayi was founded in 1979. It has developed from Hai'an Tie-dyeing Factory, Hai'an Industrial Art Group, Nantong Huayi Tie-dyeing Garment Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Huayi Garment Co., Ltd. into a group company and demonstration base of cultural industry of Jiangsu province.

      Huayi is the initiator of "dyeing and finishing" integrated innovation and industry segment. In recent years, Huayi has carried out OEM, ODM, and OBM coupled strategies. It has cooperated with Donghua University, Jiangnan University, Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology, Nanjing University, and Jinling Institute of Technology to establish "Jiangsu digital tie-dyeing engineering and technological research center".

      Huayi strives to be a practical idealist, and it insists on value of factualism, innovation, goodness, beauty. The company has won prize for modernization innovation achievement of enterprise management, award for scientific and technology advanced in textile industry. It has been rated as Jiangsu famous brand, Jiangsu famouse trademark, and AAA rating quality credit enterprise of Jiangsu province.

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