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  • JiangSu HuaYi Group

    National grade: second prize for modernization innovation achievement of enterprise management

                    Contribution prize for product development of China Textile Industry Association

                    Third prize for scientific and technological progress of China Textile Industry Association

                    First prize of "Zhonghua cup" international garment paper review 

                    Second prize and excellent prize of Chen Weiji excellent paper review


    Provincial: Famous brand of Jiangsu Province

                    Jiangsu famous trade mark

                    AA rating quality credit enterprise of Jiangsu Province

                    Third prize for scientific and technological process in Jiangsu Province

                    Top-10 textile brand cultural enterprises of Jiangsu Province

                    Jiangsu private science and technology enterprise

                    second prize for modernization innovation achievement of enterprise management in Jiangsu Province

                    Demonstration unit of intellectual property management standard of Jiangsu Province

                    Pilot enterprise of integrating informatization and industrialization of Jiangsu Province

                    Excellent patent award of Jiangsu Province

    City level: Nantong famous brand

                    Nantong civilized enterprise

                    Second prize and third prize for scientific and technological process in Nantong City (4)

                    Enterprise with harmonious labor relations in Nantong City

                    Demonstration enterprise for integrating informatization and industrialization of Nantong City

                    AAA rating observing contract and valuing credit enterprise

                    Nantong credit management demonstration enterprise of Nantong City

                    Field management good behavior enterprise

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    Website link:professional website | 1984 Library Mailbox | 【Admin】
    午夜性999性久久久久,伊人婷婷色香五月综合缴缴情,中文字幕亚洲专区第19页,亚洲欧美久久夜夜高潮 国产视频黄色观看 精品国精品国产自在久国产不卡
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